The Data-Driven Future of Container Shipping
Logistics Demand Forecasting
The improvements brought by software tools such as AssetMetrics and platforms like xChange have created substantial improvements for the logistics industry, and they could not have come at a more crucial time. It’s estimated that about 30% of the $20 billion lost to container shipping inefficiencies can be recouped using technologies like these. These tools allow logistics planners to move away from manual updating and planning based on gut instinct and toward an approach that’s geared around historical data analysis, predictive route optimization, and a drive toward reducing the reliance on safety stock as a matter of course.
Furthermore, the emphasis on collaboration is growing. Some of the biggest names in container shipping have come together to establish a Digital Container Shipping Association (DSCA). Now representing over 70% of the container shipping industry, this collaborative body can help future-proof the shipping industry by introducing new and long-needed data standards. Coupled with Transmetrics’ solution for the empty container repositioning, these collaboration efforts can build a future that focuses on knowing exactly when, where, and why containers are shipped—a substantial improvement over previous tracking methods, and one that simultaneously reduces costs while improving efficiency in global logistics. To see this technology in action, request a demo of AssetMetrics today and see how Transmetrics can help your company achieve higher profits and greater shipping efficiency.
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